How to Gift Shares Online using Zerodha

Here is the Step by Step Process of Gifting a Share : You can gift stocks, ETFs, and gold bonds to friends and family through the gift stocks feature on Console . Enter the name, mobile number, and email address of the Reciever. Select the stocks, Gold bonds,ETFs you want to gift from your holdings. Please note that you can only gift stocks that are in your demat. Watch the Process on our YouTube Channel : Now Wait for recipient to accept, The Gift request is valid for 7 days within which recipient has to accept the shares gifted. On Acceptance, Sender will receive an SMS and E-Mail for verification, After approval from the CDSL T-Pin of sender, Stocks Transferred from sender's dmat account to receiver's dmat Account. This is completely off-market Transaction which happens at 5 PM on every trading day, You will receive an Email and SMS from CDSL with this link to verify transaction using OTP till 8 PM. Once the transaction is verified using OTP, Shares transferred from Sender...